A-Z of Women – D


Blogging challenge from way waaayyy back continues!

Rules are straightforward:  You go through the alphabet and answer the following questions by naming women whose first or last name begins with the letter in question. There is no time limit.

  1. Who is your favourite female author?
  2. There is other culture besides literature. Who is your favourite woman in culture other than literature?
  3. Two questions, you can answer both or just one. A) The woman you would like to get to know better? B) Who is your absolute favourite and would like to bring to attention?

First question: At this time, only one name comes to mind. Joan Didion who passed away in December. I read her memoir The Year of Magical Thinking some years ago and it was a really powerful experience. She had a distinctive style of writing and I am grateful that I still have many of her works waiting on my reading list.

Second question: *drum roll* Doris Day. Surprise. Her work never gets old. Love love love.

Third question: Angela Davis. I have her memoir on my reading list. Hopefully, I have time to read it this year…

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